Sunday, November 29, 2009

My New Look So Far

So I found these darling Shabby Blog Backgrounds and Banners, well I can't seem to find a good free program to edit my banner, any suggestions so I can fix the text to be on the Right Side and not just sitting at the top.

Off to take a Shower and then to see "New Moon" today with my Mom and Aunt... Be back later to keep on playing with my blog.


  1. I'm going to see New Moon this upcoming weekend... have fun!

  2. You don't need a program to change your banner text to sit on the right - just go into your blog and select the Layout tab, Edit HTML and find the header. Change the text-align from Centre to right and hopefully that should work. :-) Or open the banner file in an image editing program, add your text, save it and re-add it from the Layout tab, Page Elements, Header, making sure it's set to 'instead of title and description'. Done. :-)

    Did you enjoy New Moon? I still have to see Twilight first... not got round to that one yet either.

  3. Hope you enjoyed the movie. I thought it was all right. I liked it better than the first. Nice makeover of the blog, by the way.
